Song Info:

1. Dream Chaser - Opening Titles

Description: Sombre strings and synthesized choir...

Song Story: This was originally going to be the opening theme music for a video resume I was planning to put together for myself. The video was going to run about 10 minutes and, I hoped, showcase as many of my talents as I could cram into it. Alas, the video was never completed due to lack of time and resources at the time. So, for the first time anywhere, it gives me great pleasure to present two of the pieces of music I had composed for it. You will also find the "Epilogue" theme a little later on the album.

Originally composed in 1996 as a 4-channel Protracker module using OctaMED on an Amiga 2000, then remixed for the CD. I also added a bit of extra choir for the remix version that I couldn't fit into the 4-channel version.

Previously released as a 4-channel PT-MOD.

2. The Tom and Sean Show - Episode 1 Theme

Description: Ultra-hard, ultra-fast theme song for a never-completed comedy series.

Song Story: Opening theme tune to the premiere episode of "The Tom and Sean Show," a comedy series my friend Tom and I were working on earlier this year but never completed.

Each episode was going to have a different theme tune, and we had planned a total of 6 episodes for the first series. We attempted to shoot all 6 episodes in a single overnighter, but failed miserably due to unbearable exhaustion after doing a few rather complicated segments. We only got as far as the opening titles, intros for each episode and a recurring concept segment which appeared in each episode. Perhaps one day we'll take up the project again...

We only composed theme songs for 4 of the six episodes. We were going to alternate composing, with me doing the themes for episode 1, 3 and 5, and Tom doing episodes 2, 4 and 6. Tom and I co-composed the episode 2 theme, but we never got the chance to do the remaining two. For the CD, you can find the three themes that I composed. These themes are by no means meant to be taken seriously, and are deliberately over the top and "cheesy" in parts.

Originally composed in early 1999 as a 4-channel Protracker music module using OctaMED on and Amiga 2000, then remixed later in 1999 for the CD. This was the second of the three themes I composed.

Previously released as a 4-channel PT-MOD.

3. Fatty Dance

Description: Picture really, I mean REALLY obese people breakdancing...

Song Story: This is a goofy little dance tune, in which I picture a bunch of really OBSCENELY obese people doing all kinds of awesome breakdancing. Don't ask me why, that's just the image that pops into my head when I hear it... Hence the title.

Oh, you may notice that the bassline is similar to that used in the Video Letters to Jason 18 Opening Theme. That's because I based parts of that one loosely on this one. Fatty Dance was originally incomplete and release "as is" in module format. However, for this CD release, I decided to put some kind of an ending on it in addition to remixing it from the original 4-channel format. Originally composed in 1992 using Noisetracker on an Amiga 2000.

Previously released in unfinished form as a 4-channel PT-MOD.

4. Acid Run

Description: My first attempt at something 'hardcore.'

Song Story: My first attempt at a hardcore industrial techno tune. Not a bad first effort, I suppose, but I'd like to think I've improved with age.

This tune stands out among the rest, as it is the only one that I didn't have a copy of the original module for. The disk containing the original module was stolen (amongst many other things) by a disgruntled ex-girlfriend. All was not lost, however, as I had made an audio tape of the song shortly after originally composing it. I managed to track down all of the original instrument sounds as well, so using the audio tape as a guide I was able to re-assemble the song from scratch. So, for the first time in 6 years, Acid Run at long last exists in digital form once again. While not my best work to be sure, I felt it was worthy of inclusion on the album simply for the "gestational significance" factor of the song. Meaning, it is significant in that it was my first effort at this type of music.

The original version was composed in 1993 using Noisetracker on an Amiga 2000, the rebuilt version was composed in OctaMED on a different Amiga 2000, then remixed for the CD.

Previously unreleased.

5. The Tom and Sean Show - Episode 3 Theme

Description: Fast-paced, energetic, dancey theme song.

Song Story: The theme song for episode 3 of The Tom and Sean Show. This was the first theme song I composed for the series. For the full story behind the show, see the Song Story section for the Episode 1 theme.

Previously released as a 4-channel PT-MOD.

6. Jason 18 - Opening Theme

Description: Action-packed theme song I composed for a video letter to a distant friend.

Song Story: This is one of my all-time faves, as it's the first composition I sat down and put SERIOUS effort into. Lots of stuff going on musically, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

This was the opening theme tune for a video letter I was putting together for a distant friend. Specifically, the 18th such video letter I had made for that friend.

I also put together several animation sequences to accompany it, using Deluxe Paint IV and Videoscape 3D. Perhaps I'll upload a selection of those at some point...

Originally composed in 1994 using Noisetracker on an Amiga 500, then remixed in 1999 for CD release.

Previously released as a 4-channel PT-MOD.

7. Time Moves Slow

Description: An eerie, short tune from a Video Letter soundtrack I composed a while back.

Song Story: I've been told this one sounds kinda creepy. Good. Because I wanted it to sound kinda creepy. This is another mod from the music soundtrack I made for Video Letters to Jason 18. This one accompanied a slow, deliberate pan around my living room that immediately followed the opening titles.

Originally composed in 1994 as a 4-channel Protracker module using Noisetracker on an Amiga 500, then lightly remixed for the CD release. Most of the ambience you hear was present in the original, so only minor remixing was required.

Previously released as a 4-channel PT-MOD.

8. Apartment Tour

Description: Pounding rhythm and soothing tones...

Song Story: This was originally composed for Video Letters to Jason 18, a video I made for a distant friend. This was supposed to be the background music for a segment in which I presented a tour of my apartment, but the tune kind of took on a life of its own as I was working on it. It was never used in the video, as it was far too fast-paced and energetic for an otherwise leisurely tour video. I can just picture myself racing around the apartment like a madman with the camera, filming everything frantically with this tune playing... On its own, it's kind of a fun little techno tune with some unexpected twists and turns along the way.

The original version was a 4-channel Protracker format music module, composed in 1994 on an Amiga 500 using Noisetracker. I then did some remixing in Octamed, and did a final remix for the CD release in 1999. The remix is significant in that it is the first time I was able to actually "finish" the song. I had always wanted a simple melody to accompany the mellow section of the song, but couldn't fit it in with only 4 channels. The remix allowed me the opportunity to finally add that segment. So, even though the module has been released previously, this is the first time the "complete" song has ever been released.

Previously released as a MED-format module.

9. Funkman

Description: 80's style rock, with a hint of gloom and doom...

Song Story: Composed in 1992, immediately following Terror. You'll no doubt notice I used almost the exact same instrument set. Only goes to show that it isn't WHAT instruments you use, but HOW you use them that creates any particular mood to a song. The original version of this song ran over 5 minutes, but I cut it down to a hair over 3 minutes for the CD release. The original was just TOO long, repeating the same sections over and over and over ad naseum. I think this shorter, more streamlined version works MUCH better and actually improves the song considerably. All the original sections of the song are still present, just not repeated quite as much. Definately a case of 'less is more.'

This was originally composed in late 1992 using Noisetracker on an Amiga 2000, then remixed in 1999 for the CD.

Previously unreleased.

10. Terror

Description: A creepy journey into fear...

Song Story: I was going for a "story told in music" kind of idea here. The plot is pretty simple:

A guy is walking through a graveyard late at night. He hears all kinds of strange sounds all around him. Suddenly, he senses something following him. He begins to run. And whatever is following him also runs. The thing catches up to him, kills him, and the graveyard falls silent once again.

There. You've got the plot, now apply that to the song and I think you'll find it works. I thought I should explain that, as a lot of people don't seem to "get" the idea behind this one for some reason. It's essentially my earliest attempt at "telling a story with music," which is the central idea behind most of my albums.

It's pretty simplistic by my current standards, but there are some elements I like about this one. Such as the playing around with stereo effects. You'll what I mean.

Turn the lights way down, turn the volume up and take a trip into....


Originally composed in 1992, this was actually my first music module (aside from some crap experimentations that are probably best left buried). For the CD release, I added a lot of extra ambience, plus fixed some of the stereo effects that I was never 100% happy with in the original version. Originally composed in Noisetracker on an Amiga 2000 in 1992, then remixed in 1999 for the CD release.

Previously released as a 4-channel PT-MOD.

11. The Tom and Sean Show - Episode 5 Theme

Description: Piano and strings set to a mellow beat.

Song Story: The theme song for episode 5 of The Tom and Sean Show. This was the last of the three themes I composed. It was actually incomplete until I decided to put it on the CD. Prior to putting together the CD, I didn't see much point in finishing it as the video project was more or less dead. The ending is rather weak, in my opinion, but that's okay as the themes were meant to be semi-warped anyway. For the full story behind the show, see the Song Story section for the Episode 1 theme.

Previously unreleased.

12. Steve 1 - Opening Theme (Extended Version)

Description: Percussive, dramatic theme song...

Song Story: Another Video Letter theme, this time to my good friend Steve. This extended version is actually an amalgamation of three separate modules.

I had just acquired OctaMED in 1995, and set about experimenting with some of the possibilities its 8 channel capacity could provide. I did two short experimental pieces, then set about to do the opening theme for my first Video Letter to Steve. The two experiments were actually early, formative segments that eventually BECAME the opening theme for the video, so since they were already similar in sound, AND in the same key, I decided to merge all three parts together into this special Extended Version of the theme. The end result is quite nice, I think.

Originally composed in 8 channels using OctaMED, re-arranged and converted down to 4 channels for transfer purposes, then bumped up to about 18 channels for the final mix. I'm sure that makes no sense to anyone out there, but trust me it was the only way...

Previously unreleased.

13. Broken Circle

Description: A song about breaking the cycle of abuse.

Song Story: This was composed for my step-mother as a Mother's Day present in May, 1999. Between 1995 - 1999 I came to know several women who had survived abusive relationships. As I spoke to them and did some personal research to better understand the situations they had been in, I came to sympathize with the plights of such survivors.

This piece is meant to express, in music, the plight of abuse victims who find the strength to stand up to their oppressors and fight back. It is split into four parts, which all merge together:

Part I - Oppression

In which the victim is being abused, controlled by another, unable to live her life away from her tormentor.

Part II - Realization

In which she realizes that the situation is wrong, and that she doesn't have to live that way if she chooses.

Part III - Retaliation (2 sections)

In which she finds the strength within herself to fight back, to confront her tormentor and tear away from him.

Part IV - Freedom and Hope

In which she finally succeeds and is free to live her life free of abuse.

The title, "Broken Circle," refers to the cycle of abuse. It is a circle that goes around and around, a cycle that perpetuates itself. Once broken, she is free.

This song is respectfully dedicated to abuse victims and survivors everywhere.

Originally composed in May 1999 as a 4-channel Protracker module using OctaMED on an Amiga 2000, then remixed later the same year for this CD release. The remix adds a lot of ambience, plus some overall additional "oomph" that I couldn't quite pull off in the original 4-channel format.

Previously released as a 4-channel PT-MOD.

14. Dream Chaser - Epilogue

Description: Creepy, mellow and triumphant. In that order.

Song Story: This was to accompany one of the final scenes in my video resume. For the full story, see the Song Story section of the Opening Theme for the full story.

Previously unreleased.

15. Jason 19 - Opening Theme

Description: Slow, ethereal, entrancing sounds...

Song Story: Pretty simple stuff here, musically speaking. A semi-creative use of some interesting sound samples I happened across a while back. HOWEVER - I've found that, simple though it may be, this tune has a strange hypnotic effect on the listener. If you close your eyes and just listen...letting it loop a few times (it's pretty short), it really mellows you out! I've put this on to help me sleep sometimes.

Try it and see for yourself!

Originally composed in 1994 using Noisetracker on an Amiga 500, then some minor remixing was done in 1999 for the CD release. Most of the ambience you hear was already present in the 4-channel version, so I didn't actually have to do much in terms of remixing.

Previously released as a 4-channel PT-MOD.

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